4. Recipes For Success

Recipes For Success...something to chew the fat over:

One unfortunate fact about higher fat/ lower carbohydrate diets is that food can be slightly more time consuming to make. But only a little. Fast food and many easy snack options are no longer viable options and as such you have to resort to real homemade food. At least if you make it at home, you know what they put in it!

Thus cooking is an important part of any decent healthy lifestyle, particularly when it comes to dietary matters. As such, and to make things easy, I have collected a few awesome websites which have a range of tasty and mostly easy to make, follow the instructions type of recipes. However, if you don't cook much, don't fret, even really simple stuff can do. For dinner some steamed or panfried vegies with a slab of meat is perfectly adequate, particularly if you also cook up some mushrooms and basil in a coconut cream sauce to top it off with! There are a myriad of interesting and simple high fat, often so called “Palaeolithic” or “primal” style recipes out there and, what's more, you can always make up a few for yourself too! You don't have to be Ghandi to learn how to fry up some bacon and eggs for breakfast! [Pretty sure Ghandi was a vegetarian. And very into intermittent fasting from what I hear!]
A few ingredients that are useful to have on hand, and are non perishable include:
  • coconut cream (coconut milk too, but cream is more useful, tastier and higher in fat – the coconut milk is basically coconut cream with water added :S)
  • Canned diced tomatoes – useful for adding to sauces
  • Chicken or beef stock or stock cubes (be careful of wheat derivatives in them)
  • Condiments such as mustard and mayonnaise (the only problem with mayonnaise is that the fat they use is often soybean oil or some other shit high omega-6 fat – an obvious solution is to make your own! See this web link to making various healthy condiments: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/alternative-healthy-condiment-recipes/)
  • A wide array of nuts – these are great and double up as awesomely quick snacks. Throw in a few grapes, or a carrot or something and you have a quick emergency fix if you haven't made enough food the night before for lunch! Of course, you should have, because, part of high-fat living involves being intelligent, organised and good looking. As such you should consider making food enough to keep you going when you get the chance to do a cook up!
One of the best and most comprehensive sites for so called “primal living” (aka eating a high fat palaeolithic type diet) is marks daily apple (listed above), which has a great collaboration or recipes that can be found here:

These include everything from:

Meanwhile at: “I eat mostly Meat”, the author has a series of tasty looking meat based concoctions. He seems to like buffalo and even has a: Buffalo Coconut curry: (http://ieatmostlymeat.com/paleo-recipe-buffalo-coconut-curry/)

As you can see, the recipe is incredibly simple, most recipes can be! My advice in relation to this recipe? Buffallo might be hard to come by if you’re like me and in Australia, so, as to conserve the gamey flavour, substitute buffalo for kangaroo, a local and very healthy alternative that is naturally grass fed and high in protein and iron! The kangaroo, despite being our national icon, is also considered a pest in Australia as there are so many of them, and they also cause less eroision and hence damage to our ecosystem than hoofed cattle or sheep!

Another recipe called “Noatmeal (meaning no oatmeal)” looks interesting, though I haven't made it yet so i'll have to get back to you. It can be found here: http://www.noexcusescrossfit.com/category/paleo-diet/paleo-recipes/page/3/

Anywho, there are literarily hundreds or recipes around if your game to look, a few suggestions that I’ve just found, but haven't greatly checked out include:

And so on, I'm sure you get the general jist! I may well add up a few of my own concoctions as the month goes by, so stay posted!

One final tip. As more cooking time might be required on such a diet, it is totally recommended that you invest in some good food storage containers and make huge batches when you cook. Then you have lunches for the week and extra meals should you fall short of time. Planning is very important, thinking will save you from having to fight your will power for hours as you hang around at work looking at how you can't buy anything healthy from your local cafeteria! Instead you'll be munching on a Kangaroo chilli con carne, or something of the likes.

If you think of any great recipe ideas yourself, feel free to post them up in the comments on the blog and let us know who they go!